Filth (2013) is an excellent british dark movie based on Irvine Welsh Novel Filth. Cast includes James McAvoy, Jamie Bell,Joanne Froggatt,Imogen Poots,Eddie Marsan,Jim Broadbent
And as my wife Carole always says, theres no place like home.
Me and Bruce play these break-up/make-up games, but it only makes our heart grow fonder.
You are the kind of sad case that preys on weak, stupid women in order to boost your own shattered ego.
Theres only one person that can have have me.Although if he really wants me,he will have to get that promotion.
Only winners are attractive to the opposite sex.
The root of any marital problem is always, always sexual.
Every time a woman drops her trousers,promotion. Every time a man drops theirs, disciplinary action, Wheres the equality in that.
The games are always repeat,always, being played but nobody plays the games like me.
Sometimes it takes a wrongdoer to show you when you are doing wrong.
You are being so cruel!! Love is cruel , Chrissie.