Turn: Washingtons Spies(2014-2017) series quotes
Turn is a must watch War-era Spy drama series which excellently portrays pain , sacrifices spies go through, starring Jamie Bell,Seth Numrich,Daniel Henshall,Heather Lind
All men need some rising. Else they will stay boys forever.

To firm erection, fine insertion, excellent distillation, and no contamination.

You have changed, ever since you got out of the prison you are different. Yeah, prison will do that to you.

They only kissed once. Well, if it is done right.. Sometimes its all you need.

As a parent, you realize that your name is not inherited from your father. It is rather a loan from your children. It is a treasure that must be protected.

What do you read in me? Sadness,I think. You are a man who only shows one side of himself to the world, that hard side, and keeps another hidden away.

Even though someone is gone, your love for them lives on.

Cut off the head of the snake and the body will die.

A beast has no shame in howling if it is wounded.

Solitude does not come cheap.